Use Flatcar images

Flatcar is a Linux based OS designed to run containers.

How do I use Flatcar ?

Flatcar uses Ignition for initial provisioning instead of cloud-init. It is first required to enable this feature gate before initializing the management cluster:


Once done, proceed as documented to setup GCP variables. To set the IMAGE_ID, use this snippet to get the latest stable Flatcar image:

VERSION=$(curl -fsSL | grep --max-count=1 FLATCAR_VERSION | cut -d = -f 2- | tr '.' '-')
export IMAGE_ID="projects/kinvolk-public/global/images/flatcar-stable-${VERSION}"

Generate the workload cluster configuration

Proceed as usual except for the flavor:

clusterctl generate cluster capi-gcp-quickstart --flavor flatcar > capi-gcp-quickstart.yaml

Updates configuration

Flatcar auto-update and Kubernetes patch updates are disabled by default. Set export FLATCAR_DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE=false to enable it. This will pull latest Flatcar update and latest Kubernetes patch release. Note that this will reboot your nodes: kured is recommended to coordinate the nodes reboot.